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Free Printable Weather Chart PDFs for Kids

This free printable weather chart PDF includes three different versions of a weather chart (personalized and not) as well as a weather pie chart to aid in learning all about the weather.

It works great in a preschool or kindergarten setting and pairs well with a daily calendar routine. It is the perfect weather chart printable for a classroom, daycare, homeschool, or home setting.

Scroll down for PDFs that include different charts where you can graph the daily weather together or with a class/group of children, as well as a pie chart where you can have little ones determine what the weather is and then turn an arrow to show what it is like.

For more fun printables that can be used both at home or in the classroom be sure to also check out these daily schedule routine printables with picture cues.

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Weather Chart Printable PDFs

Ideas for Incorporating a Weather Chart into a Daily Routine

To incorporate a weather chart into your daily routine you can print out both the weather wheel and the personalized weather chart. Fill out the name on top of your weather chart and add a spinner to the weather wheel using a brass fastener and a paper clip.

Before implementing the weather chart read different read-aloud books about the different types of weather.

Each morning implement some kind of morning routine or morning work folders that include the weather charts. Discuss what the weather looks like outside and then spin the paper clip to the current weather. Fill in the weather currently on the weather chart by coloring a square above the corresponding type of weather.

Once the month is over look at your weather graph together to see which weather there was the most and least of. Talk about the patterns in the month and compare them with other completed months as well. Notice which types of weather were prevalent or lacking and talk about reasons why this might be.

You can also do this as a class or group of kids (siblings while homeschooling, play group, etc…). Laminate the weather chart and hang it up on a wall or put it in the homeschool area. Look at the weather outside and have a daily helper color in the corresponding square on the chart.

*We like to have a weather window and weather helper. Each morning pick a weather helper to stand up, walk over and look out the “weather window” and report the weather. They can even pretend to be a weatherman and use a fun voice when reporting to make it more exciting.

Printable Weather Chart Set-Up Tips

*For these printable weather charts I like to do them personalized and print out copies for each child ahead of time (See note below about lamination vs. reprinting). You can also just print out one copy on cardstock or blow it up bigger if you have the resources. Then it can be hung on the wall or put in a folder and brought out when doing a daily schedule or talking about the weather.

*If doing this individually with children, depending on the resources available, I’d suggest either laminating them or putting them in lamination sleeves (we love these ones and use them all the time). This is not a necessity, however, it saves you from having to print out a new one every month.

*The weather wheel at the bottom pairs well with the chart that has 5 types of weather on it. Using a brass fastener with a paper clip attached underneath have little ones spin the paper clip around on the weather wheel so that it is setting on the weather for the day. Then they can color the square to record the weather on their weather chart.

Weather Chart Rainbow

Printable Weather Chart for Kids


  • Scissors
  • Personalized Weather Chart
  • Weather Wheel Pie Chart
  • Dry Erase Marker (optional)
  • Lamination/Dry Erase Sheets (optional)


  1. Print and weather chart of choice on cardstock.
  2. If desired laminate or stick in a dry erase sleeve.
  3. Print out the weather wheel on cardstock. Poke or punch a hole in the center of the weather wheel.
  4. Slide a paper clip so that it is touching the base of a brass fastener. Attach the brass fastener inside of the hole you just punched so the paper clip can spin in a circle pointing to each type of weather on the weather wheel.
  5. For each day of the week have little ones look outside and see what the weather is like.
  6. Little ones can spin the paper clip so it is pointing to the daily weather.
  7. Color one square box on the weather chart for each day of the month.
  8. Each month print a new sheet or erase it and start over.

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